Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust

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Thank you for your interest in the Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust.

Please review these guidelines before proceeding with a request for funding.


The first step in the application process is a Letter of Inquiry (LOI), followed by a full Proposal, if invited. An invitation to submit a Proposal does not assure funding. Organizations that receive a grant are required to submit a report that confirms that the funds granted were used for the intended purpose.

Because the Trust receives many more requests than it is able to fund, the application process is highly competitive. Even if a project fits within the foundation’s guidelines, it may not be funded. In 2023, approximately 31% of invited proposals were funded.

The information provided on this website should help you determine if a request for funding is well-suited to the interests of the Trust.

The deadline to submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) was June 14, 2024. Invited proposals were due July 15, 2024.

Funding Interests

Please review the Trust’s Funding Interests for detailed information about the types of projects the Trust supports.

Size, Duration, and Types of Grants

The maximum grant awarded by the Trust is $25,000, however, grants normally do not exceed $20,000. Grants may be approved for full or partial funding of the requested amount.

The grant period during which funds should be used is the calendar year. For example, for grants awarded in November 2024, the grant period will be January 1 to December 31, 2025. It is expected that funds will be spent during this year.

The Trust awards grants for project support only. Requests for general operating support are no longer accepted. The Trust does not fund endowments or capital campaigns, nor make grants to individuals.

How to Begin

Once you’ve determined that your request is consistent with the Trust’s Funding Interests, you may begin the application process by clicking Start Here, below. Answers to the most Common Grantseeker Questions are also provided.

LOIs are no longer accepted for the current application cycle. The deadline to submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) was June 14, 2024.

To Apply

Grantseekers can begin the application process here.

Start Here

Common Grantseeker Questions

Answers to the most common grantseeker questions.

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